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50 Quick Blog Marketing Tips

By Frinley in Digital Marketing | 655 Views | 2 Min Read | 8th December 2022

Here are a few simple points you need to follow that can make wonders for your Quick Blog Marketing.

1. Post daily
2. Write something about your interest
3. Use your own domain name
4. Choose a short domain name
5. WordPpress is the king so use it
6. Try to use WordPress plugins
7. Always interact with other bloggers
8. Leave valuable and thoughtful comments
9. Try to post the first comment
10. Take daily DB backup of your blog
11. Participate in online forums
12. Make sure you have good content
13. Use a simple and fast loading design for your blog
14. Always use track backs
15. Use social bookmarking icons
16. Try and use blog networks
17. Post top 10 list and how to articles for bloggers
18. Add your blogs to directories and classifieds
19. Interact with your readers
20. Use Feed burner subscription
21. Encourage your blog readers to subscribe
22.Make sure you have an RSS subscription icon on every pages
23. Always use readable fonts
24. Try to get .edu and .gov back links this is good for SEO
25. Break long posts in more paragraphs
26. Implement Google Analytics
27. Make SEO analysis
28. Do not post duplicate content
29. Always update with other blogs
30. Put your about us and contact us pages
31. Make sure you include your picture in the about us page
32. Post good and attractive graphics for your post.
33. Submit your articles and tips to directories
34. Share your inner experience with readers
35. Do not clutter your sidebar with icons and ads
36. Link to other blogs if possible
37. Always use effective titles
38. Always answer to questions and comments
39. Offer useful tools or resources for your readers
40. Give something for FREE
41. Make sure your blog design is good
42. Organize your categories, do not add too many un wanted categories
43. Put main links on your footer
44. Learn about latest internet trends
45. Allow gust post
46. Avoid adding too much external links
47. Use deep linking
48. Avoid small blog post
49. Stick on a single section like design, technology etc
50. Try to update a minimum of 5 post daily